MABA Testifies to House Appropriations Subcommittee

LANSING (March 10, 2020) — The Michigan Agri-Business Association was invited this week to testify before the Michigan House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development. MABA president Chuck Lippstreu discussed a range of issues facing Michigan agriculture, including extreme weather impacting the industry, and the association’s priorities for this year and beyond.

“2020 is truly the ‘year of uncertainty’ for Michigan agriculture, and the year is shaping up to be pivotal for our industry as we work through ongoing trade issues and the effects of record precipitation in 2019,” said Lippstreu. “The Michigan Agri-Business Association will be focused in 2020 on helping our members navigate a rapidly changing landscape – sharing information, working with them to handle issues as they arise and communicating concerns to policy leaders at the state and federal levels.”

Lippstreu emphasized the need for collaboration and communication with state government, and flexibility for farmers and agribusinesses that already face many variables.

You can read MABA’s full testimony to the committee here and see video here.