Spring 2021 Secretary of State Services Update

March 26, 2021 — While the below guidance from February remains helpful in navigating the Secretary of State’s website, we have heard from many members experiencing delays in securing appointments during the past 7-10 days. This is expected to moderate over the next 1-2 weeks. In the meantime, we are working with members on an extremely limited basis to help them process absolutely critical transactions (such as for seasonal drivers who have already been hired and are not yet able to drive due to lack of a CDL). If this applies to you, reach out ASAP to us by email at maba@miagbiz.org.



February 24 — With spring fast approaching, we strongly advise anyone who will need a seasonal CDL permit or other services from the Michigan Department of State to get those items taken care of as soon as possible. Operating conditions at the Secretary of State’s office have improved since last spring, when offices were generally closed due to COVID-19. SOS offices statewide are open and appointments continue to be scheduled online. “Walk-in” services are unavailable. It is important to point out that staff members of the Secretary of State’s office and those in branch offices statewide have done world-class work the past year to keep commerce moving during the pandemic. They are working hard to help us!

It is generally possible to get an SOS appointment on the next business day; however because services are not “back to normal,” it will be important to plan ahead this year in case there are delays. MABA will not be able to help direct-process transactions this year as we did in 2020, but we will be a resource for you if you have questions about navigating Secretary of State services.

Are you trying to schedule an appointment but don’t see any availability? The first step is to check the scheduling system again at specific times. Try to secure your appointment just after 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM Eastern Time. SOS opens new appointments for the next business day at these times.

Seasonal CDL Appointments

For those needing seasonal CDL appointments, please follow these guidelines:

1. Visit the SOS online scheduling system to find a location near you; select a location.

2. Select Driver’s License/ID Replacement or Correction

3. You will see available dates and times. If the next day doesn’t appear as an option, check back at 8:00 or 12:00 daily, and/or check other locations near you.

4. Select a time for your appointment.

5. On the next page, select Adding Seasonal CDL as the purpose of the visit.

Once you make an appointment, be certain to use it. No-showing a scheduled SOS appointment will result in substantial delays. 

MABA appreciates the ongoing cooperation and assistance of Department of State staff as we all navigate the pandemic. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, contact the MABA office at maba@miagbiz.org.