Chuck Squires (Chair), Cooperative Elevator Co.
Joel Arends, GreenStone Farm Credit Services
Vic Hupfer, Freeland Bean & Grain
Carl Kidder, Nutrien Ag Solutions
Greg Thon, Harvey’s Commodities
John Tilt, Vita Plus Corporation
Nichole Wilcox, GreenStone Farm Credit Services


Ward Forquer (Chair), Michigan Potash & Salt Co.
John Christian, Nutrien Ag Solutions
Larry Dassance, Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC
Robert Geers, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Jim Howe, Star of the West Milling Co.
Phil Needler, GarrCo Products, Inc.
Jon Rush, BASF


Tom Sandbrook (Chair), Kent Nutrition Group
Ron Brown, Star of the West Milling Co.
Erin Davis, Quality Roasting
John Dahl, Tri-County Feed Service, Inc.
Katie Hupfer, Freeland Bean & Grain
Jacob Patterson, Hubbard Feeds
Wendy Powell, MDARD
Brian Sisco, Keystone Cooperative
John Tilt, Vita Plus Corporation
Philip C. Tuggle, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.


Phil Tuggle (Chair), Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Ron Brown, Star of the West Milling Co.
Kurt Fisher, Sure Crop Fertilizers
Ward Forquer, Michigan Potash & Salt Co.
J. Scott Krout, CF Industries
Keith Martus, Star of the West Milling Co.
Darryl Perry, The Mosaic Company
Luke Poletti, AGI Fertilizer Systems
Michael Rumsey, The Andersons, Inc.


Chris Weiler (Chair), The Andersons, Inc.
Michelle Bergman, Co-op Elevator Co.
Janna Fritz, DF Seeds, LLC
Adam Geers, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Jeff Haarer, MDARD
Alex Haskin, Musgrove Grain Bryan Heffron, King Milling Company
Bryan Heffron, King Milling Co.
Gary Kaufman, Star of the West Milling Co.
Nicholas Reigler, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Carrie Roehm, John Marion, Inc.
Angie Setzer, Consus Ag Consulting, LLC
Eric J. Sowatsky, Yeo & Yeo CPAs & Advisors


Kevin Ackerman, Ackerman Marketing
Robert Chandonnet, Bayside Best Beans LLC
Neil French, ADM Edible Bean
Roger Hupfer, Freeland Bean & Grain, Inc.
Mike Janowicz, Chair, Cooperative Elevator Co.
Matt Stawowy, Steele & Company


Scott DeVuyst (Chair), Nutrien Ag Solutions
Brian Devine, Syngenta
Chris DiFonzo, Michigan State University
Abigail Eaton, MDARD
Mike Fossum, Helena Agri-Enterprises LLC
Mark McClintic, Michigan Agricultural Commodities Inc.
Patrick Nellenbach, Star of the West Milling Co.
Christy Sprague, Michigan State University
Brian Verhougstraete, MDARD
Anne Webster, UPL – LTD


Patrick Nellenbach (Chair), Star of the West Milling Co.
Joseph Bolle, Quality Roasting, Inc. Scott Chrivia, Star of the West Milling Co.
Burt Eichler, Cooperative Elevator Co.
Shawn Lambert, Keystone Cooperative
Brandon Lidster, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Chuck Kunisch, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Michael Rumsey, The Andersons, Inc.
John Tilt, Vita Plus Corporation


Tim Schaub (Chair), Rob-See-Co.
Ty Bodeis, DF Seeds, LLC
Janna Fritz, DF Seeds, LLC
Ed Garber, Nutrien Ag Solutions
Andria McCubbin, MDARD
Molly Mott, MDARD
Allen Pung, Nutrien Ag Solutions
Jim Sheppard, Harvey’s Seed
Jim Whalen, Treasure Valley Seed Company


Brian Brink (Chair), Brink Farms, Inc.
Shasta Duffey, Lake State Railway Company
Robert Geers, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc.
Brian Hitchcock, M.B.H. Trucking, L.L.C.
Roger Hupfer, Freeland Bean & Grain
Mark Nagy, Genesee & Wyoming Inc.
Chris Weiler, The Andersons, Inc.


Tim Schaub, (Chair), Rob See Co. 
Lucas Costanza, Nutrien Ag Solutions 
Keith Leighton, CHS Agronomy 
Chuck Lippstreu, Michigan Agri-Business Association
Jeffrey Martus, Star of the West Milling Co.
Clay Martz, CCA, Nutrien Ag Solutions
Michael Phillip, MDARD
Allen Pung, Nutrien Ag Solutions
Kurt Thelen, Michigan State University
Anne Webster, UPL – LTD