MDHHS reinstates 14-day close contact quarantine

April 6, 2021 — MDHHS has reinstated 14-day quarantines for those who have close contact with someone who has COVID-19. The change is included in an updated guidance document issued yesterday and available here.

The document reads (on page 13): Due to increasing case rates and variant spread in Michigan, MDHHS has reinstated a standard 14-day quarantine for close contacts of COVID-19 cases. This will remove the option of reducing quarantine to 10 days, effective April 5, 2020.

We continue to see COVID-19 case rates increase in Michigan, and many hospitals are once again reportedly reaching their capacity, including in rural areas. As of April 5, any Michigander age 16 and up is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Visit for more information. Contact the MABA office if you have questions.