Briefing: Take steps to stay safe amid forecast extreme heat

With extreme heat forecast across Michigan and the region during the week of June 17, we remind all those working in Michigan agriculture, and throughout the Great Lakes states to be aware of the forecast change in conditions, heat safety and heat first aid steps.

This is an especially important message for anyone new to working outside. Heat illnesses are prevalent in those who are just starting out at their job, who may not be well-acclimatized to hot conditions.

Background: Extreme Heat Forecast

The National Weather Service has put Michigan in the center of an extreme heat advisory for next week. The image below (created June 14) shows Michigan, Northern Indiana and other parts of the upper Great Lakes in the NWS’ highest heat advisory category mid-next week. Many areas will experience mid to upper-90’s conditions.

This highest NWS advisory category represents a “level of rare and/or long-duration extreme heat with little to no overnight relief affects anyone without effective cooling and/or adequate hydration.”

Action Steps

Anyone working outside should keep this in mind and prepare in advance with:

  • Plenty of water carried with you. Drink water every 15 minutes, even if you do not feel thirsty.
  • Sun protection, especially a hat.
  • A plan to take breaks in the shade, in a truck cab or inside.
  • Good communication with each other to make sure everyone is drinking water, resting, and looking out for signs of exhaustion.

Anyone showing the signs of heat exhaustion or stress needs to stop working, move somewhere cool and sip water. Learn more about these conditions and first aid response at:

The following map is from NWS HeatRisk. The map was generated Friday, June 14 showing forecast conditions Wednesday, June 19.