Michigan Agri-Business Association applauds Supreme Court decision to halt OSHA vaccine mandate

LANSING, Mich. (January 13, 2022) – Michigan Agri-Business Association President Chuck Lippstreu issued the following statement today, following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that halts a federal vaccine-or-test requirement from OSHA:

“Businesses across Michigan continue to grapple with historic labor and supply chain crises, and a federal vaccine mandate would have created even more disruption. Today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision provides our state’s rural businesses with a degree of certainty about the future. While we encourage Michiganders to get vaccinated on a voluntary basis, mandates will not further this goal and will create new disruption in the economy.

As we welcome today’s ruling, we remain concerned about the impact of vaccine mandates imposed on truck drivers transiting the U.S.-Canada border. Vaccine requirements at the U.S.-Canada border risk sending thousands of truck drivers out of international service, and the economic pain will be most acute in border states such as Michigan. We continue to call on the Biden Administration and the Government of Canada to provide common-sense exemptions for truck drivers, including both U.S. and Canadian national drivers, transiting the U.S.-Canada border in support of international commerce.”

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