Michigan Certified Crop Adviser Spotlight: Keith Leighton, CHS Inc.

Michigan’s Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) program provides resources, continuing education and networking opportunities for professional agronomists spanning our state’s agricultural industry. Nearly 300 Michigan professional agronomists are CCAs, and they bring a wide range of experience and skills to our state’s agricultural industry. Today we are spotlighting Keith Leighton, a CCA with CHS Inc.

Keith Leighton, a Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) with CHS Inc., is a great example of someone who followed an “unconventional” path in the agricultural industry, and who today is drawing on his agronomic expertise to make a difference across the region!

Although he grew up in Michigan agriculture being raised on a pig and cash crop farm in Decatur, MI, in Southwest Michigan, Keith followed a winding pathway into his current role. He initially studied electrical systems at Kalamazoo Valley Community College and started out a career in the construction industry.

However, as with so many Americans, the 2008 recession impacted his industry and presented the opportunity for a career shift.

“If the recession hadn’t happened,” Keith said recently, “I’d probably still be in the construction industry. But having grown up on a farm, I always appreciated agriculture, and I embraced the agronomy field quickly.”

Drawing on his previous experience and a lot of “on the job training,” Keith became involved with both grain and crop input businesses in Southwest Michigan. Over the years he spent time with Cargill in Decatur, the then-Green Valley Ag, and the then-Co-Alliance location in Schoolcraft before making the move to CHS Inc. in 2022. Keith is proud to note his agronomic experiences exposed him to a wide range of diverse production in Southwest Michigan, from commodity crops to specialty production such as potatoes and celery.

Today, Keith serves with CHS as the Fertilizer Wholesale Account Manager overseeing the distribution and sales of fertilizers across Michigan, northern Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio.

Having earned his CCA in 2015, Keith says the program has helped him advance in the industry and improve his skills. “Continuing education in the CCA program really supported me as a sales agronomist,” he says. “[The program] doesn’t force you to do anything, but it makes sure you are exposed to what’s new in the industry and encourages you to keep learning more every day.”

“Now being in the wholesale business, even if I am not making direct crop recommendations, the CCA program has provided me with valuable experience that helps me support my retail customers.”

As with many of the CCA’s we have spoken with, Keith encourages all those in the industry to reap the continuing education and networking benefits of the program. “You have to be willing to put the work in – not just on the job, but with continuing education and a desire to learn new things in the agronomy world. The more you do, the more professional benefits you can get from the program.”

Today Keith lives in Decatur with his family, nearby his childhood home. His growing family includes three kids – a 9- and 11-year old, and a new baby the family welcomed on May 20. Outside of work, Keith enjoys fishing, hunting, and supporting his children’s sports endeavors. He is also active in his community, leading youth ministry at First Presbyterian Church in Decatur.

Keith is one great example of the many varied pathways into agronomy represented in Michigan agriculture, and the ranks of our CCAs; and his commitment to his work, family, and community exemplifies the dedication and passion that drives the agricultural industry forward. Thank you to Keith for your involvement and serving as a great example for Michigan’s professional agronomy community!

Keith Leighton with his family in Decatur, MI this spring (prior to the addition of a new baby in May!)