MABA Update: Hitting the Ground Running in February

Following on our successful Winter Conference in January, the MABA team hit the ground running in February, with event planning, outreach to new members of the Michigan Legislature and Congress, and beyond. Here are a few highlights from February.


MABA, Bean Commission leaders meet with Ambassador of Cuba to the United States

February 10, 2023  Leaders of MABA and the Michigan Bean Commission met this week in Detroit with Cuban Ambassador to the United States Lianys Torres Rivera. MABA President Chuck Lippstreu and MBC Executive Director Joe Cramer discussed shared opportunities between Michigan and Cuba, and emphasized Michigan and U.S. agriculture continue to call for normalized trade relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

Many U.S. agricultural organizations have urged the U.S. government to take steps to normalize relations, including providing the ability for U.S. shippers to offer credit to Cuba, along with reopening opportunities for U.S. investment in private Cuban enterprise. Michigan agriculture leaders expressed hope that the Biden Administration and Congressional leaders will take these steps to enhance two-way trade and engagement between the U.S. and Cuba.

“As a leader in the production of sustainable, nutritious dry beans, Michigan would be especially well-positioned to meet strong black bean demand for Cuba,” said MBC President Joe Cramer. “We appreciated the opportunity to discuss Michigan agriculture with Ambassador Torres Rivera, and appreciated her for taking time to join us. We hope policy leaders will take steps to expand trade between our nations and open new market opportunities for Michigan beans.”

“We appreciated the opportunity to discuss shared opportunities between Michigan and Cuba with Ambassador Torres Rivera, and we thank the ambassador for taking time to visit our state,” said MABA President Chuck Lippstreu. “Normalizing two-way trade and engagement between the U.S. and Cuba is long overdue and we will continue to promote policies that open trade, including opportunities for U.S. exporters to provide credit to Cuban buyers.”

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Michigan Agri-Business Association elects 2023 officers, directors

February 10, 2023 – Members of the Michigan Agri-Business Association, a trade association representing nearly 300 companies across the food and agriculture value chain, elected the association’s 2023 officers and two new members of its Board of Directors at its annual meeting in January.


Help Us Tell the Story, and Spotlight the Contributions of Michigan CCAs!

Across Michigan, more than 300 Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) deliver expert advice and insights to farmers. As we strive to highlight the important contributions of CCAs, we want to hear from you!

Use this form to suggest we spotlight a Michigan CCA for their overall achievements in the industry, their effort to go above and beyond, or their support for the CCA program generally. MABA and the Michigan CCA Program will periodically spotlight these outstanding professionals throughout the year! If you have questions, contact anyone of the MABA team!

We will reach out to anyone we spotlight, in advance!

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