MABA President Chuck Lippstreu meets with Michigan Asparagus leaders, calls for wage rate reform

HART, Mich. – Amid Michigan’s asparagus harvest season, Michigan Agri-Business Association President Chuck Lippstreu joined Jamie Clover Adams, Executive Director of the Michigan Asparagus Association to spotlight the urgent need for reform of high labor costs facing Michigan specialty crop farmers.

“Skyrocketing labor costs driven by an unrealistic, unsustainable federal government calculation pose a critical threat to the future of Michigan fruit and vegetable production,” said Lippstreu. “Rural businesses and communities in West Michigan and across our state depend on a thriving specialty crop sector. Unfortunately, runaway costs created by a broken U.S. Department of Labor program threaten the future of this industry. We thank the bipartisan coalition of Members of Congress who have supported a freeze of the Adverse Effect Wage Rate, and we continue to call for lasting reform of this broken system.”


2024 Outlook Conference registration open

MABA announced the opening of registration for its 2024 Outlook Conference on Mackinac Island.

“This long-running event is a unique opportunity to bring together leaders spanning Michigan, Midwest and U.S. agriculture,” said MABA President Chuck Lippstreu. “This event also showcases a cross-section of our industry. In addition to bringing together leaders who from across the full spectrum of Michigan agriculture, we enjoy welcoming attendees who serve in many different roles and are at different places on their career journey. It’s what continues to make the Outlook Conference a truly unique opportunity for networking and in-depth discussion about what the future holds for agriculture, all in a one-of-a-kind location.”

Now in its 27th year, the Outlook Conference brings together approximately 150-200 leaders of agricultural businesses, along with senior government and NGO partners, for a weekend of discussion about the future of the agricultural industry. The conference is intended to provide insight and facilitate discussion on large-scale industry trends to help inform leaders as they chart a path forward for their businesses. The conference is useful for anyone who wants to gain more in-depth insights into key drivers of the agricultural economy.

This year, the Outlook Conference returns to a Friday-Sunday weekend format. The event begins Friday evening, September 6, concluding in the afternoon on Sunday, September 8.

Conference events are closed to members of the media.

For questions, contact any member of the MABA staff or email

MABA updates members on April 2024 activities

As always, we want to keep MABA members informed about some of your Association’s activities during recent weeks!

Before we dive into events, importantly, this spring has included a major focus from MABA on upgrading and growing our member services. We detailed several of the new steps we have announced at a post here on our website. These include the launch of a new website, the ability to get the AgFacts via text message, enhanced online invoicing and the availability of a new Member Portal.

Here is a rundown of some other events and activities the past month:

Member company resources on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: Throughout April and May, MABA has strived to deliver timely updates and useful resources for members amid the expanded outbreak of HPAI. We encourage all members, even those not in the poultry and dairy industries, to visit for fact sheets and other resources geared toward member businesses.

MABA member company hosts Agriculture Secretary, Member of Congress: On April 26, Jorgensen Farm Elevator hosted a roundtable discussion with USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin. Several MABA members were in attendance at this event. Thank you to these leaders for spotlighting mid-Michigan agriculture!

Member Services Director Kara Boring joins announcement events at AgroLiquid, King Milling Company: We had an opportunity to help mark two key announcements by MABA members during the month of April. On April 10, King Milling Company kicked off operations at their new flour mill in Lowell, MI. Then on April 15, leaders of The Fertilizer Institute presented the first-ever Certified Biostimulant award to AgroLiquid in St. Johns. Learn more about the Certified Biostimulant program here:

Eastern Market Corporation hosts April Ag Club Breakfast: We appreciated leaders from Eastern Market for hosting the Lansing Ag Club Breakfast in mid-April. Eastern Market Corporation is a long-time MABA member and a great partner for Michigan agriculture. We encourage you to mark your calendar for Ag Club events during the summer and fall! See below or visit for more information.

Upcoming Events

June 18, 2024 – Scholarship Golf Outing, Mt. Pleasant; the course is full but hole sponsorships and dinner tickets remain available!

July 23, 2024 – Detroit Ag Club Breakfast, Eastern Market; join us Tuesday, July 23 at 9:00 AM for this first-of-its-kind Ag Club Breakfast!

For a full event calendar, visit

Highlighting expansions of MABA member services, communication, advocacy

The Michigan Agri-Business Association is proud of our role as a strong advocate and dedicated resource for the Michigan agriculture industry. As we often say, our Association’s effectiveness comes from the participation and support of our member companies. We strive to deliver world-class service and results for these Michigan businesses.

Throughout 2024, the MABA team has focused on steady, continuous improvement across all we do in member services, advocacy, information sharing and beyond. Today we wanted to share a summary of key investments and improvements your association has made during the last six months, all geared toward ensuring world-class value for you.

  • Launched a redesigned, updated website: The new, launched in January 2024, streamlines information available to you and makes it easier to access news and events from MABA.
  • Expanded delivery options for the AgFacts Newsletter: MABA launched a new text messaging service this spring that allows members to get a text message link to the AgFacts. This is especially useful for those with email parameters that make receiving newsletters difficult. Go here to sign up.
  • Launched a new Member Portal: We encourage members to visit this page to learn how you can take advantage of the new MABA Member Portal, offering access to the AgFacts Newsletter, policy briefings, online invoicing and more.
  • Enhanced the new online invoicing and payment system: In Fall 2023, MABA rolled out an updated, streamlined way for members to view and pay invoices from MABA online. We have continued to refine this service and today, members are able to pay invoices online via credit card and ACH, and access invoicing information.
  • Bolstered your voice in Lansing: Since Winter 2023, MABA has partnered with a highly-experienced lobbying team to amplify your voice before the Michigan Legislature and state departments of government.

We are proud of these improvements we have made for MABA members. They are helping us maximize the value we provide for businesses statewide, and complement our work to grow the Association’s events, membership involvement and advocacy. We welcome your suggestions. At any time, contact Chuck or Kara of the MABA staff with your questions and comments!