MABA Testifies to House Appropriations Subcommittee

LANSING (March 10, 2020) — The Michigan Agri-Business Association was invited this week to testify before the Michigan House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development. MABA president Chuck Lippstreu discussed a range of issues facing Michigan agriculture, including extreme weather impacting the industry, and the association’s priorities for this year and beyond.


In the News: MABA talks economy, trade and climate on Michigan Radio’s Stateside

March 7, 2020 — Michigan Radio’s Stateside this week hosted a wide-ranging interview with MABA president Chuck Lippstreu on the state of Michigan’s agricultural economy, the impact of extreme weather, the importance of ag tech and beyond. You can listen to the interview on Stateside’s website, at this link

For more from Stateside, follow the program @StatesideRadio on Twitter.

In the News: MABA highlights MFP regional disparities in MiBiz

March 2, 2020 — In an interview with West Michigan’s MiBiz, Michigan Agri-Business Assocation president Chuck Lippstreu discussed the importance of Congressional oversight over payment rates for the Market Facilitation Program.


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