November 2023 Update from MABA

During the past several weeks, MABA entered one of our busier times of the year with winter meetings kicking into gear for key industry groups, as well as preparation for our own 2024 Winter Conference and Trade Show.

In addition, a unique factor this year was an early adjournment of the Michigan Legislature which resulted in several high-profile issues raised in Lansing that demanded our attention.

Here is a brief update from MABA on our work throughout the Fall:

Legislative Engagement

  • The fall was an extremely busy time for the Michigan Legislature, which took the unusual step of adjourning for the year in mid-November. Throughout 2023, MABA has been engaged on a wide range of legislation impacting our members and the broader business community. Late in the session, the main focus was making our members’ voices heard on controversial siting legislation.

  • For MABA members interested in a “deep-dive” on the legislative session, the bills MABA worked on and the results we delivered for members, we recently hosted a briefing presentation on these topics. Please contact any member of the MABA team to receive a recording of the briefing.

  • Earlier in the fall, on October 3, MABA organized an update meeting between 25 industry representatives and member companies and the three Directors of Michigan’s Quality of Life Departments – MDARD, EGLE and DNR. We appreciated these Cabinet officers taking time to visit with MABA members and partners.

  • One piece of disappointing news came in mid-November when U.S. Representative Dan Kildee announced he will not seek reelection to the House next year. MABA helped coordinate a statement of nearly 15 statewide ag leaders recognizing Congressman Kildee’s bipartisan leadership in support of Michigan Agriculture.

Ag Club Breakfast Events

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The MABA Ag Club continues going strong, and we appreciated industry leaders, NGO partners and lawmkaers from both parties for taking time to be part of the conversation.

In October, the Ag Club was hosted by AT&T Michigan. It was a great opportunity to learn more about AT&T’s efforts to serve Michiganders statewide. We appreciated AT&T’s Brian Norman for a presentation on efforts to bridge the digital divide in rural communities, and the company’s overall focus on access and affordability of high-speed internet service.

Last month, the Ag Club Breakfast was hosted by Michigan State University’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, AgBioResearch and MSU Extension. The CANR, AgBioResearch and Extension teams continue to deliver for and partner with Michigan agriculture in so many ways – and we appreciated the entire leadership team joining breakfast. Following breakfast, university leaders also took time to meet with the MABA Leadership Group!

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Partnership with Regulators

At the end of November we had a unique opportunity to meet with more than 100 Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development field inspectors. These inspectors help ensure Michigan Agriculture’s right to operate on a level playing field, with predictable rules and overall certainty. We appreciate the strong and growing collaborative relationship between our regulated industry and MDARD.

MABA President Chuck Lippstreu thanked the MDARD inspectors for their focus on education and proactive information sharing to help ensure compliance with rules and laws. We also discussed the heavy focus MABA member companies place on safety and proper product use, and highlighted the many shared goals of inspectors and agribusinesses to grow the industry.

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MABA Leadership Group Meets in Lansing

The MABA Leadership Group was in Lansing in November for the second of four sessions in our 2023-24 program! Attendees met with state government and NGO leaders, visited the Capitol and joined our November Ag Club Breakfast. The group will be together again in February when we head to Washington, DC, and wrap up the program next summer in Detroit. These sessions are a unique opportunity to bring our agriculture industry, government leaders and colleagues from other sectors together, while helping build up public policy knowledge and skills among rising stars in Michigan agriculture.

CFTC Commissioners Visits Michigan, Meets with MABA and Member Companies

MABA, along with leaders from Star Of The West Milling Company, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc and Cooperative Elevator Co. met in October with Commissioner Kristin Johnson of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Commissioner Johnson and CFTC Senior Counsel Tamika Bent joined industry representatives for a discussion of current issues impacting agriculture, and toured the Star of the West Mill in Frankenmuth.

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The CFTC plays a central role in ensuring the functioning of ag markets. We appreciate Commissioner Johnson and CFTC staff for making this visit and continuing the strong collaboration with Michigan agriculture! Thanks as well to Star of the West for hosting!

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Don’t Forget! Looking ahead to January, MABA is excited for the 2024 Winter Conference and Trade Show, being held January 9-10, 2024 in Lansing. Go here to learn more and register. Early registration closes December 12.