Nutrient management preparation for 2024 starts with the fall harvest

With harvest beginning for key crops in Michigan, planning nutrient needs for next year’s crop can begin in earnest. Soil sampling to analyze nutrient levels delivers baseline data to plan nutrient management decisions, and today’s technology allows for many other data layers to be incorporated into those plans.

Intensive soil sampling programs such as grid or zone approaches allow for a detailed evaluation of nutrient levels across the field. Increased nutrient use efficiency through increased grain yields and reduced fertilizer applications typically offset the costs of intensive soil testing and variable rate applications.

This is also a good time to review schedules of soil nutrient level tests to ensure adequate testing over time. Fields should maintain steady sample schedules, ideally at the same time of the year and following the same crop each sample timing.

Incorporating data layers such as yield maps, in-season imagery, or simply field elevation can allow for the delineation of management zones in fields. Proper calibration of equipment is important when generating this data to provide an accurate view into field conditions.

In addition to managing soil nutrient levels, fall soil testing allows for the timely management of soil pH levels. Soil pH has a strong influence on nutrient availability for crops and is a fundamental component of effective nutrient management. Lime applications can take more than six months to fully react in the soil, making fall applications preferable to get the maximum impact on spring crops.

Crop advisers and agronomy retailers are great resources to help collect and analyze the data that can go into nutrient management decisions. Contacting these experts in advance to create a plan for how to best manage nutrients in the following growing season can help them begin collecting necessary data in order to make accurate, informed plans.

Few management options have the demonstrated pay-back that nutrient management offers, with the environmental benefits to match.

This newsletter is brought to you by the Michigan Agri-Business Association and the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program. For more information, visit
