News Release: Statement from MABA on Gov. Whitmer’s Climate Announcement

Chuck Lippstreu, president of the Michigan Agri-Business Association, today issued the following statement regarding Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive order on climate change:

“Michigan agriculture brings the cutting-edge technology and entrepreneurial spirit needed to help address climate change while supporting rural economic success. Agricultural climate solutions can also unlock new economic opportunity for farmers, rural businesses and rural communities. We appreciate Gov. Whitmer for today’s announcement on this important issue, and we look forward to showcasing agricultural innovation that can deliver both climate solutions and new economic benefits for our state.”

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About the Michigan Agri-Business Association:The Michigan Agri-Business Association serves as a strong advocate and dedicated resource for Michigan’s food and agriculture sector. The Association’s 400 members span the agricultural value chain. They include agricultural retailers that provide seed, fertilizer, crop protection and technology to farmers; businesses that handle and export grain; animal feed suppliers; food processors; logistics companies and beyond. Learn more at